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  • You can find all details at www.

    This Is New… 2004

  • But Fenry has made up some pretty indepth lies of Keizer Soze proportions, withstood torture, been on a hungerstrike.

    LOSTCasts 26: Two for the Road 2006

  • You can find all details at www.

    This Is New… 2004

  • Pollsmoor Prison spokesman Freddie Engelbrecht confirmed that the hungerstrike had ended.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 2000

  • They went on hungerstrike on Monday after prison authorities failed to meet various demands which included that all Pagad prisoners be kept at Pollsmoor and that they have access to doctors and dentists.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 2000

  • The former National Intelligence Agency operative, and other Pagad members went on a hungerstrike about two weeks ago to protest against the refusal of the courts to grant Pagad members, believed to have committed more serious crimes, bail.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 2000

  • Commissioner of their hungerstrike, and this had been done, Gerber said.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1996

  • Manipur protester Irom Sharmila has achieved iconic status with her long-running hungerstrike against the Act. Two government panels - the Administrative Reforms Commission and the Justice Jeevan Reddy Committee - recommended scrapping the Act.and amending others laws to give the army the powers it needs to fight insurgents.

    Hindustan Times News Feeds 'Views' 2010

  • Manipur protester Irom Sharmila has achieved iconic status with her long-running hungerstrike against the Act. Two government panels - the Administrative Reforms Commission and the Justice Jeevan Reddy Committee - recommended scrapping the Act.and amending others laws to give the army the powers it needs to fight insurgents.

    Hindustan Times News Feeds 'Views' 2010

  • You may not be able to order someone to continue a hungerstrike but you can show leadership skills when others are on hungerstrike.

    Slugger O'Toole 2009


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