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  • ChrisTS: Leo: I think it might not be ‘locked out’ so much as ‘hungup.’

    The Volokh Conspiracy » “Nazi Scandal Engulfs Human Rights Watch” 2010

  • ChrisTS: Leo:I think it might not be ‘locked out’ so much as ‘hungup.’

    The Volokh Conspiracy » “Nazi Scandal Engulfs Human Rights Watch” 2010

  • You are getting completely hungup on Article I which gives Congress the power to "declare war."

    Chairman Exchange Quips 2007

  • It seems to me that current modern society, which includes more than the USA, is really hungup on sex.

    Think Progress » Gingrich: House Leadership Would Have Been Accused Of ‘Gay Bashing’ If They Investigated Foley ‘Overly Aggressively’ 2006

  • I call them and tell them to remove the things and credit me the charges, which they refuse to do saying they cannot, so I ask to speak with a supervisor and then get hungup on.

    unknown title 2009

  • Should be coming soon if Intel and Yahoo do not get too hungup on crapping up the TV with widgets, videos etc.

    Scobleizer 2008

  • Should be coming soon if Intel and Yahoo do not get too hungup on crapping up the TV with widgets, videos etc.

    Scobleizer 2008

  • Should be coming soon if Intel and Yahoo do not get too hungup on crapping up the TV with widgets, videos etc.

    Scobleizer 2008

  • We must indeed. he: aensible that the very. ciceuustancc of being. publicly hungup 'asa criibinal, exposed to the eye of every. be - hoJfder, and having the crime, for which this. poniriuneut viaa supposed to be inflicted,. written in targe letters on the top of the cross, was in itsdf very ignominious.

    Practical and familiar sermons Edward Cooper 1813

  • Should have never turned right and bottomed out your girlfriend's dad's truck in a ecological reserve (no sign, sorry happy plants and animals), then tried to cover for why you were gone for 6 hours "surfing". almost 70 things within the past month popped inot my mind. point being the more we get hungup on our past mistakes, the less time we have to appreciate what we have in the now. working on the end of the song to convey that point instead of leaving it with a double blade.

    [ regrets i can't forget ] on 2002-10-17 @ 4:26 a.m. empty-dreams 2002


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