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  • Competing marine users in newly open or partially icecovered areas in the Arctic are likely to require increased enforcement presence and regulatory oversight.

    Infrastructure and climate in the Arctic 2009

  • Processes specific to the surface boundary layer include the radically different surface fluxes in icecovered versus ice-free fractions of a climate model grid cell; the strongly asymmetrical behavior of ice basal melting versus freezing; the interaction of morphology and wave with ice-bottom climate model; and the modification of momentum transfer mechanisms as surface stochastic analysis effects are replaced by stress transfer through the sea ice cover.

    Sea ice in the Arctic 2009

  • Most of the Arctic Ocean is projected to remain icecovered in March, although the March sea ice edge is projected to retreat substantially in the subpolar seas.

    Sea ice in the Arctic 2009

  • 'There may be no need,' said Taliesen softly, pointing to the icecovered pool.

    Ironhand's Daughter Gemmell, David 1995

  • Processes specific to the surface boundary layer include the radically different surface fluxes in icecovered versus ice-free fractions of a climate model grid cell; the strongly asymmetrical behavior of ice basal melting versus freezing; the interaction of morphology and wave with ice-bottom climate model; and the modification of momentum transfer mechanisms as surface stochastic analysis effects are replaced by stress transfer through the sea ice cover.

    Featured Articles - Encyclopedia of Earth 2010

  • Most of the Arctic Ocean is projected to remain icecovered in March, although the March sea ice edge is projected to retreat substantially in the subpolar seas.

    Featured Articles - Encyclopedia of Earth 2010

  • Most of the Arctic Ocean is projected to remain icecovered in March, although the March sea ice edge is projected to retreat substantially in the subpolar seas.

    Featured Articles - Encyclopedia of Earth 2009

  • Processes specific to the surface boundary layer include the radically different surface fluxes in icecovered versus ice-free fractions of a climate model grid cell; the strongly asymmetrical behavior of ice basal melting versus freezing; the interaction of morphology and wave with ice-bottom climate model; and the modification of momentum transfer mechanisms as surface stochastic analysis effects are replaced by stress transfer through the sea ice cover.

    Featured Articles - Encyclopedia of Earth 2009


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