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  • Urrat-ilat, or the goddess of fire, most probably the Sun

    Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah 2003

  • (Derketo), the Babylonian Belit (Mylitta) and the Arabian Ilat (Al-ilat) were all moon-goddesses has given rise to much rather aimless discussion, for there can be no question of their essential homology with Hathor and Aphrodite.

    The Evolution of the Dragon G. Elliot Smith

  • St-W&C. •l*jUnt«m ilat'-. iiiiin!. l6; L». l | vali

    Lloyd's Register of Shipping 1812

  • Non fecus ac patriis acer Romanus in armis Injullo fub fafce viam quum carpit, et hofti Ante exfpedatum pofitis ilat in agmine caftris.

    P. Virgilii Maronis Opera Virgil, Gilbert Wakefield 1796

  • Perhaps, if this noble family had ftill preferved that fequeftered magni* ficence which they maintained when catholicks, correfponding with the Grand Duke of Tufcany, we might have been in. induced to have procured proper letters of introduAion, and devoted fome time to the contemplation of venerable fuperAi* iioua ilat; e.

    The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, with Samuel Johnson, LL. D ... 1785

  • I started off using a 'conventional' calculation: absgrid (ilon (i), ilat (i)) = nint (normals (i, imo) + anoms (ilon (i), ilat (i)) * normals (i, imo)/100) which is: V = N + AN/100

    Latest Articles Hackers 2009

  • I started off using a 'conventional' calculation: absgrid (ilon (i), ilat (i)) = nint (normals (i, imo) + anoms (ilon (i), ilat (i)) * normals (i, imo)/100) which is: V = N + AN/100

    Latest Articles 2009

  • Bene auteni (imulac, nego - cium eflc alienum. % Obfcuras eas facic & pauperes; an ut filius cre - ilat y parum fiU auxilii fore a pacre ad nupciasj atque fic ei obiiciancur curae pau* kcim?

    Publii Terentii Afri Comoediae sex novissime recognitae cum selecta varietate lectionum et ... 1779

  • Sed pra: ilat id deducereaCer - copibus, quos circa Lydiam fuifle tradunt} homincs valde fallaces & moleftos.

    Suidae Lexicon, Græce & Latine 1705


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