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  • Count Egmont and the Prince of Orange declared that the time was illchosen for stripping the Netherlands of troops, when the aspect of affairs rendered rather the enlistment of new levies advisable.

    History of the Revolt of the Netherlands — Volume 02 Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller 1782

  • Count Egmont and the Prince of Orange declared that the time was illchosen for stripping the Netherlands of troops, when the aspect of affairs rendered rather the enlistment of new levies advisable.

    History of the Revolt of the Netherlands — Complete Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller 1782

  • Count Egmont and the Prince of Orange declared that the time was illchosen for stripping the Netherlands of troops, when the aspect of affairs rendered rather the enlistment of new levies advisable.

    The Works of Frederich Schiller Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller 1782

  • you are quite wrong. a careful reading of the original article indicates that "appeals to" as a phrase or simple the "appeal" is an illchosen turn of phrase and any of the usages for "appeals" will work...some better than others...and if you took some time to look at the origin of the word and applied that to Ann's own definition of her blog see NYT today it would become clear.

    "In Left Blogistan, where Ann is often derided and mocked as a conservative partisan, there will surely be howls today." Ann Althouse 2007

  • There were times, he knew too well, when an illchosen word, intended to comfort, could be a man’s undoing instead.

    Pirates Linda Miller 1995


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