illconditioned love


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  • And not only for cancerous disease, but for many other foul, illconditioned ulcers, whether scrofulous or of the scurvy nature, this Goosegrass has proved itself of the utmost service, its external application being at all times greatly assisted by the internal use of the juice, or of a decoction made from the whole herb.

    Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure William Thomas Fernie

  • He didn't look much like a bridegroom, as he stood in the Carrier's kitchen, with a twist in his dry face, and a screw in his body, and his hat jerked over the bridge of his nose, and his hands tucked down into the bottoms of his pockets, and his whole sarcastic illconditioned self peering out of one little corner of one little eye, like the concentrated essence of any number of ravens.

    The Cricket on the Hearth 1845


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