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  • Affirmations James Warne and his wife have produced their Books and solemnly affirmed to the legality and Justness of their accts. and evidently made appear that Murphys charge was Malicious and illfounded.

    Gutenber-e Help Page 2005

  • Mrs. Warne attended the court hearing with books in hand to prove the accuracy of her accounting, and the court determined that Murphy's charge was "Malicious and illfounded."

    Gutenber-e Help Page 2005

  • Once again this right-wing conservative has interjected his illfounded, misinformed opinion upon the masses.

    Think Progress » VIDEO: Michael J. Fox Responds To Limbaugh Smear 2006

  • The idea that we should admit a candidate set as a genuine set only if promises to be wellfounded is an overreaction to the uncontroversial observation that the suspect collections that feature in the paradoxes (the universe, the Russell class) are all flagrantly illfounded, or at least would be if they existed.

    Quine's New Foundations Forster, Thomas 2006

  • Treating the lack of getting some as some kind of problem that needs to be resolved, especially in the reactionary manner you propose, is enormously illfounded.

    New Rape Culture and Gender Thread 2005

  • “Urgently spatial coordinate-status misfound illfound illfounded distortion in nithwaeld on merest dysfunction hereditary disastrous propulsion!” said the Laihe, or at least, that was all the universal translator could make of it.

    Dark Mirror Diane Duane 1993

  • This time, there are substantial reasons to think that his exciting discovery of a "bioprogram," an innate predisposition to learn particular categories in human language, is in fact illfounded.

    Roots of Creole Holm, John 1982

  • And we could also see by looking around, by looking into ourselves, our own natures, that some of this tendency had crept into our society, probably because, or possibly because of, this bad, illfounded educational system.

    China '67—Fact Or Myth? 1967


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