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  • Le estoy huyendo al insomnio a niveles exhorbitantes.

    cruda Diary Entry cruda 2005

  • Hence the visual idea of the child, and the pleasure which attends it, become associated with those increased arterial actions, which swell the cells of the mamula, and extend its tubes; which is very similar to the tensio phalli visâ muliere nudâ etiam in insomnio.

    Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life Erasmus Darwin 1766

  • "Incitabatur insomnio maxime; neque enim plus tribus horis nocturnis quiescebat; ac ne his placida quiete, at pavida miris rerum imaginibus: ut qui inter ceteras pelagi quondam speciem colloquentem secum videre visus sit.

    The Caesars Thomas De Quincey 1822


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