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  • Por sua atuação intransigente frente aos desmandos políticos, às injustiças sociais e ao desrespeito aos direitos humanos, recebeu prêmios internacionais importantes: em 1997, em Roma, o prêmio Colombe d´Oro per La Pace; e em 2005, em Nova York, o prêmio anual do CPJ (Comittee for Jornalists Protection).

    Global Voices in English » Brazil: Plaintiffs try to silence one of the country’s leading journalists 2009

  • Today that the Minga announces its entrance to the capital of the country, the spokesmen of the social organizations, which they realise managements of approach with the institutions, alert in front of the obstacles that rectoría of the National University presents / displays not to lodge to the travellers of the Word in the estates of the same, expressing that this attitude is intransigente and it does not respond to the objectives of the public university, which must be directed to promote the debate and the formulation of intelligent and civilist exits for all the country.

    Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo 2008

  • Hoy que la Minga anuncia su entrada a la capital del país, los voceros de las organizaciones sociales, que realizan gestiones de acercamiento con las instituciones, alertan frente a los obstáculos que la rectoría de la Universidad Nacional presenta para no albergar a los caminantes de la Palabra en los predios de la misma, expresando que dicha actitud resulta intransigente y no responde a los objetivos de la universidad pública, los cuales deben estar dirigidos a promover el debate y la formulación de salidas inteligentes y civilistas para todo el país.

    Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo 2008


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