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  • QUOTATION: I have no confidence in the system of isolement [isolation].

    Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington (1769-1852) 1989

  • D'une manière générale, mon humble expérience d'apprentie auteur m'a révélé qu'il n'y a pas de différence entre écrire de la fiction pour le papier ou le pixel: cela demande une concentration maximale, un isolement à la limite désespéré, une patience obsessionnelle dans le travail millimétrique avec la phrase, et bien entendu, en plus de la volonté de faire, il faut avoir quelque chose à dire!

    Entretiens / Interviews / Entrevistas Marie Lebert

  • I hope no one will think that in describing my experiences of isolement in my own mind I was exaggerating the importance of the incident.

    The Adventure of Living Strachey, John St Loe 1922

  • I once amused myself by getting together a large number of descriptions of “isolement” and found that, though they may differ considerably, they have in common the characteristics enumerated by the Ode.

    The Adventure of Living Strachey, John St Loe 1922

  • As I write at the age of sixty-two, my impression is that the last occasion on which I experienced the sense of isolement was about twenty years ago.

    The Adventure of Living Strachey, John St Loe 1922

  • Even when it became a favourite with me, for some reason or other I did not dwell upon the isolement part of it, but rather upon the earlier passages.

    The Adventure of Living Strachey, John St Loe 1922

  • Curiously enough, it was a quotation in Clough's Amours de Voyages which first made me realise that Wordsworth was dealing with isolement.

    The Adventure of Living Strachey, John St Loe 1922

  • Therefore isolement must not be regarded as anything wonderful or mystic, but merely as a day-dream.

    The Adventure of Living Strachey, John St Loe 1922

  • My later manifestations of isolement were similar to my first, though not so vivid.

    The Adventure of Living Strachey, John St Loe 1922

  • The first thing to be noted about the sense of isolement is that it comes, not in sleeping, but in waking hours, and that, whether truly or not, it brings with it the feeling that it is the result of some external impulse.

    The Adventure of Living Strachey, John St Loe 1922


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