
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Plural form of kairomone.


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  • Backswimmers, which prey on the larvae, give off chemicals known as predator-released kairomones. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph 2010

  • (AaOR8) acts as a chiral selective receptor for the (R) - (--) - enantiomer of 1-octen-3-ol, which in the presence of other kairomones is an attractant used by blood-sucking insects to locate their hosts.

    ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science 2009

  • We evaluated seven candidate reference genes for QPCR in Daphnia magna after exposure to kairomones.

    BioMed Central - Latest articles Anke Schwarzenberger 2009

  • However, fish kairomones caused an up-regulation, and Chaoborus kairomone caused a down-regulation of cyclophylin, which proved to be a potential target gene for further analysis of kairomone effects on the life history of daphnids.

    BioMed Central - Latest articles Anke Schwarzenberger 2009

  • Here we use kairomones released from a planktivorous fish

    BioMed Central - Latest articles Anke Schwarzenberger 2009

  • Using this NF, expression of the target genes actin and alpha-tubulin were revealed to be unchanged in the presence of the tested kairomones.

    BioMed Central - Latest articles Anke Schwarzenberger 2009

  • Therese Poland, of the US Forest Service, said that in a bid to attract, trap, identify and monitor the insect, the service has researched the odours, or kairomones, produced by the ash; these allow the insects to identify the trees.

    EcoEarth.Info Environment RSS Newsfeed Independent UK 2009


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