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  • There was I, in my usual "kasada" jeans and a "hadu" T-shirt with my almost worn out Bata slippers during my lunch break from office. ...

    Kottu 2009

  • He then commenced his kasada, the first line of which was: _Thy wonted generosity is still the same; thy power is uncontrolled, and thy servant stands in need of one thousand pieces of silver.

    A Boswell of Baghdad With Diversions 1903

  • He then stood before him and recited the kasada which begins thus: _A female visitor came to thee by night; salute her fleeting image.

    A Boswell of Baghdad With Diversions 1903

  • i am poor student without money i can't learn my next semister my parents no more. so kindly person help me give me secon hand computer, some money, send me litrature book's, novel this is my subject. love and kind person plese response me my email - (email removed) adress for postal madhukar kasada at / po-salepur has not helped any one else. mk2008200

    [Help] Most Recent Posts 2009


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