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  • Stone Quarry and those who lived above the line where nicotiana grew, used the kinni-kinik or bark of the red willow and some seven other succedanea. 194 But tobacco proper, which soon superseded all materials except hemp and opium, was first adopted by the Spaniards of Santo Domingo in A.D. 1496 and reached England in 1565.

    The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night 2006

  • 8: 51 AM aj kinik said ... love that shot of your grandmother canning -- brings back memories of my grandmother's canning, her well-stocked pantry, her peaches, etc. -- thanks

    A farm-fresh meal | Homesick Texan Homesick Texan 2007

  • < a id = "c1792083486772402659" name = 'c1792083486772402659' > aj kinik said ... endless banquet 2009

  • < a id = "c5675851460896733490" name = 'c5675851460896733490' > aj kinik said ... endless banquet 2009

  • Stone Quarry and those who lived above the line where nicotiana grew, used the kinni-kinik or bark of the red willow and some seven other succedanea. [

    Arabian nights. English Anonymous 1855


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