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  • She handed Eba and me large spoons, then placed a stack of eight kisra (flat breads), a bowl of salad, and a platter of maschi (white rice) before us.

    A Kettle of Vultures Sabrina Lamb 2010

  • If I were to tell you my parents were professors at the university, you would not have been so quick to waste your tears on me, Eba explained, sopping his kisra in the shorba, and licking his enormous dark lips.

    A Kettle of Vultures Sabrina Lamb 2010

  • She handed Eba and me large spoons, then placed a stack of eight kisra (flat breads), a bowl of salad, and a platter of maschi (white rice) before us.

    A Kettle of Vultures Sabrina Lamb 2010

  • If I were to tell you my parents were professors at the university, you would not have been so quick to waste your tears on me, Eba explained, sopping his kisra in the shorba, and licking his enormous dark lips.

    A Kettle of Vultures Sabrina Lamb 2010

  • She handed Eba and me large spoons, then placed a stack of eight kisra (flat breads), a bowl of salad, and a platter of maschi (white rice) before us.

    A Kettle of Vultures Sabrina Lamb 2010

  • If I were to tell you my parents were professors at the university, you would not have been so quick to waste your tears on me, Eba explained, sopping his kisra in the shorba, and licking his enormous dark lips.

    A Kettle of Vultures Sabrina Lamb 2010

  • These are made into unfermented breads (roti), fermented foods (kisra and gallettes), thin and thick porridges (toh), steam-cooked dishes (couscous); nonalcoholic beverages, and snacks.

    4. Pearl Millet 1996

  • Ting may be similar, nutritionally, to other acid-fermented cereal gruels like kenkey (West Africa), kisra (Sudan), and pozol (Mexico).

    1 Upgrading Traditional Biotechnological Processes 1992

  • Mulach, a stew consisting of meat, onions, vegetables, garlic and oil, is often eaten for lunch in the Sudan; kisra, a kind of sorghum bread, is eaten with the stew.

    3. Conditions of Acceptance for Solar Cookers 1990

  • This species of leavened bread is known to the Arabs as the kisra.

    In the Heart of Africa Samuel White Baker 1857


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