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  • In response to higher oil prices resulting from Middle East unrest, Spain reduced its speed limit from 120 kilometers per hour to 110 kmh, the equivalent of 75 mph to 68 mph.

    Spain lowers speed limit to save gas. Should the United States, too? 2011

  • Alberto Contador, (Astana), 3641.9 km in 91: 58: 48 (39.6 kmh, 24. 6mph) 2.

    Cavendish repeats on the Champs-Élysées as Contador wins his third Tour de France 2010

  • On the road into the mountains it is very beautiful but loaded with trucks which slows traffic speed to about 10 kmh with many daring Mexican drivers passing dangerously on curves to get around the truckers.

    driving to leon gtro 2008

  • Craphound spotted the sign -- his karma, plus the goggles in his exoskeleton, gave him the advantage when we were doing 80 kmh on some stretch of back-highway in cottage country.

    Boing Boing 2008

  • On the road into the mountains it is very beautiful but loaded with trucks which slows traffic speed to about 10 kmh with many daring Mexican drivers passing dangerously on curves to get around the truckers.

    driving to leon gtro 2008

  • I totally get how it was an emergency delivery, bombing down the highway at 300 kmh, crowning on the side road, etc.etc. so I totally get how the damage happened.

    Mary Shelley Had NO IDEA | Her Bad Mother 2008

  • On the road into the mountains it is very beautiful but loaded with trucks which slows traffic speed to about 10 kmh with many daring Mexican drivers passing dangerously on curves to get around the truckers.

    driving to leon gtro 2008

  • On the road into the mountains it is very beautiful but loaded with trucks which slows traffic speed to about 10 kmh with many daring Mexican drivers passing dangerously on curves to get around the truckers.

    driving to leon gtro 2008

  • On the road into the mountains it is very beautiful but loaded with trucks which slows traffic speed to about 10 kmh with many daring Mexican drivers passing dangerously on curves to get around the truckers.

    driving to leon gtro 2008

  • According to Witness This and the Shweeb's official web site, the low-slung (2 to 4 meters above ground) Shweeb pods include a highly efficient system of pedals that can theoretically allow riders to reach speeds of up 70 kmh.

    April Streeter: Monday Best Bike Bits - Pistol-Packing Cyclist and Bike-Powered Transit Called Shweeb 2009


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