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  • I took the knife and, in order to convince him that I was serious about the need for his cooperation, pushed the knifeblade (iron of Mueller manufacture!) deep into his arm.

    Enjoyment 2010

  • It was oh so tempting to play along ... to dive into that particular fantasy for a while, to get us both off, to dance on the knifeblade again for a few minutes.

    jaxraven Diary Entry jaxraven 2007

  • O, my name for you is the best: Kinch, the knifeblade.

    Miguel Cohen’s “Ulysses,” Part 2 : Edward Champion’s Reluctant Habits 2004

  • On the wrapped strings the crackerpick caught the ridges of the wraps, but the abrading of the crackerpick created a sort of muted scrape unlike the bright sound achieved by scraping with a sharp edge of a wrench or knifeblade.

    Phasmatodea: don't play with your food (crackerpick) badger 2004

  • Even the deerhound, probably the companion of many a hunt, may have been slaughtered for food; one of its leg bones bore the knicks of a knifeblade.

    The Fate of Greenland's Vikings 2000

  • "Not because of your health, I trust, child?" he said as he wiped his knifeblade on the hem of his black tunic.

    Lord of the Isles 1997

  • Tannim folded out the knifeblade, slit the envelope open, and then unfolded the Leatherman's pliers.

    The Chrome Borne Lackey, Mercedes 1993

  • Tannim folded out the knifeblade, slit the envelope open, and then unfolded the Leatherman's pliers.

    Omnibus Lackey, Mercedes 1993

  • I saw the knifeblade being raised and my own mother plunging it toward my breast.

    Black Blade Lustbader, Eric Van 1992

  • An instant before the point of the knifeblade would have punctured his flesh, Wolf's right elbow crashed into Arquillo's forearm.

    Black Blade Lustbader, Eric Van 1992


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