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  • Asking the useless, bump-on-a-log, whining, self-pitying alter kockers at major newspapers to get out of the way is like asking a sponge to start flying.

    The speech the NAA should hear « BuzzMachine 2009

  • Drudge is currently featuring TWO near naked alta kockers on his website.

    Archive 2005-01-01 Michelle Collins 2005

  • I was as Jewish as any of the alter kockers—that's “old codgers” in gentile—present at the Kosher Nosh, but my surname Blair originally Blaum but changed at Ellis Island, and my somewhat Waspish appearance often have me mistaken for a gentile.

    Wake Up, Sir! Jonathan Ames 2004

  • All those same old farts, the alter kockers in the Congress who sat there when Anita

    Address To The ACLU Biennial Conference: Free Speech 1995

  • For those of you who are going to Diesel's Rock n Roll Circus tonight on Pier 3, plan to check out the live webcast or whine like alta kockers about the noise or believe the totally unconfirmed and most likely false rumors of Britney Spears showing up, here's the schedule of events according to event organizers -

    Brooklyn Heights Blog 2008

  • That this ageless avatar of the avant-garde was trying to send a message to all the alter kockers and their caregivers that have basically turned it into a senior citizen’s center: Do your drooling elsewhere.

    Strawberry Fields���Forever? Potholed Plot Jolts My Mom! 2006

  • That this ageless avatar of the avant-garde was trying to send a message to all the alter kockers and their caregivers that have basically turned it into a senior citizen’s center: Do your drooling elsewhere.

    Strawberry Fields-Forever? Potholed Plot Jolts My Mom! 2006


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