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  • January I found a nest about 15 feet up a small kudum tree, standing in a large plain, and which had a lining of hair from the tail-tufts of cows.

    The Nests and Eggs of Indian Birds, Volume 1 Allan Octavian Hume 1870

  • At Khyrabad there is a handsome set of buildings, consisting of a mausoleum over his father, a mosque, an _imambara_, and a _kudum rusool_, or shrine with the print of the prophet's foot, erected by

    A Journey through the Kingdom of Oude, Volumes I & II William Sleeman 1822

  • In this commission, the "Naathan" group who reads the rites is placed together with the players of the Turkish Music instruments especially ney and kudum.

    WeLove-music 2009


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