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- noun Plural form of
kynge .
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Smythfeld, there beynge present thre kynges, that is to say the kyng of Engelond, the kyng of Fraunce, the kyng of Scotlond; and manye othere grete lordys of diverses regyons.
In his _Introduction to Knowledge_ (1547-1548) he continues: "The Kynges of England by the power that God hath gyuen to them, dothe make sicke men whole of a sickeness called the kynges euyll." [
Three Thousand Years of Mental Healing George Barton Cutten
Liek teh ainshent kynges whjo killified dems arkiteck affer teh pallas be bilded.
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Oute of these are chosen counsailours for the kynges Courtes, and officers to administre the commune wealth, and to determine controuersies: yea, capitaines for the warres, and Princes of the realme.
Thei vse no Seales to their Lettres, of what sorte so euer thei be, the kynges or other.
For it is not lawefull for any manne, to chaunge the kynges woordes: ne for any man in any wise, to replie against suche sentence as he giueth.
And the persone by whome he aunswereth, be he neuer so honourable, for the tyme that he becommeth the kynges mouthe, kneleth on his knees and giueth so diligent care, that he swarueth not from the Kyng in one woorde.
And when thei are come to mannes state, thei marye at the kynges pleasure: And be enriched both with dowery of their wife, and a stipende.
Thei also declare vnto them, the stories of men of olde tyme, regested in their holy Scripture, to the ende that accordyng to them the kynges maie learne what shall profighte, or disprofighte.
Their commune othe, and the othe of charge in matiers of controuersie, or iudgemente, is by the kynges clothe of estate: by the whiche if a man shalbe tried to haue forsworne hymself (as their enchauntours haue a maner to trie with salowe roddes whether thei haue or not) by and by without respighte, he loseth his heade, and all his goodes, whiche tourne to the vse of them that haue proued him periured.
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