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From Calais to Paris is thirty-two pofts, and the lail is a royal one, which makes it
The gentleman's guide, in his tour through France, wrote by an officer in the Royal-navy 1770
"I wouldn't lail it on the paths, only on the lass," said Max.
In the Mist of the Mountains Ethel Sybil Turner 1915
He acted as an editor of the magazine 'lail-o-nahar' from 1961-1963 and then got busy ar
Bloggers.Pakistan 2008
The miffion of M. Freycinft the younger was not of equal difficulty with that I have lail defcribed; nor was it of long duration, as this officer, who left the fhip on the
Thus they continue com - bating tneir imaginary enemy all the reft of the day; towards the conclufion of which the ncheft men ad, and at lail the general, and then the fultan concludes this cere - mony: he and the general, with fome other great men, are in armour, but the reft have none.
IN anfwcr to the note delivered yefterday, November 26, by Lord Malmeftury, the underfigned miniftef for foreign affairs is inftrufted by the Direftory to obferve, that the anfwers made 'on the 5th and 22d of lail Brumaire contained an acknow-i ledgement of the principle of compenfation, and that, in order to remove every pretext for farther difcuflion on that point, the underfigned, in the name of the Executive Dire6lory, now makes.
A Collection of State Papers Relative to the War Against France Now Carrying on by Great Britain ... 1797
THE inquiry in our text is of the SERM. lail importance, as it has refpeft v/■ to the charafter of young perfons, who are the hope of futurity, and the con - folation and joy of advanced years.
Sermons on practical subjects Worthington, Hugh 1796
It is quite otherwife with fin - cere Chriftians, they are not of the world at prefent, and will not be con - demned with the world at lail.
Sermons on practical subjects Worthington, Hugh 1796
There are other regulations to proteft themfelves and their fervants from all injuries, to revenge fuch as are committed, and to prevent their giving abulive language to each other; and the fine, which they engage to pay for this lail olTence, is a meafure of honey.
The history of England : from the invasion iof Julius Cæsar to the revolution in 1688 ... 1796
He was glad to find the cafe of the officers in India at lail likely to be taken up.
The Parliamentary Register: Or an Impartial Report of the Debates that Have Occured in the Two ... Great Britain Parliament, Great Britain Parliament , 1802-1803, 1802-1803 Parliament, Great Britain 1795
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