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  • Just as it makes no sense to argue the caliber of the bullet with which the last wild land-animal will be killed, it hardly serves the hungry to talk to death the planet's already-collapsing fisheries.

    Seven Billion Reasons for a Fisheries Collapse 2008

  • STRANGER: And animal hunting may be truly said to have two divisions, land-animal hunting, which has many kinds and names, and water-animal hunting, or the hunting after animals who swim?

    The Sophist 2006

  • Pho+? has that tasty land-animal strength in its soup that udon doesn't have, but lacks the overpowering oil and richness that ruins ramen for me.

    Archive 2005-03-01 2005

  • Fish myosin and its fellow fiber proteins are more sensitive to heat than their land-animal counterparts.

    On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen Harold McGee 2004

  • Because fish bones are smaller, lighter, and less mineralized with calcium than land-animal bones, and because their collagen is less tough, they can be softened and even dissolved by a relatively short period near the boil hence the high calcium content of canned salmon.

    On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen Harold McGee 2004

  • Fish myosin and its fellow fiber proteins are more sensitive to heat than their land-animal counterparts.

    On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen Harold McGee 2004

  • Because fish bones are smaller, lighter, and less mineralized with calcium than land-animal bones, and because their collagen is less tough, they can be softened and even dissolved by a relatively short period near the boil hence the high calcium content of canned salmon.

    On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen Harold McGee 2004

  • In its character of land-animal it has a space for a tongue; but in its character of water-animal it is without the tongue itself.

    On the Parts of Animals 2002

  • The reason is that a crocodile is in a way a land-animal and a water-animal combined.

    On the Parts of Animals 2002

  • All these "Saurians" are believed to have frequented the sea or rivers; but another called the Great-lizard, was a land-animal, as was the Forest-lizard, and a monster kind of Toad with very curiously formed teeth.

    Twilight and Dawn Simple Talks on the Six Days of Creation Caroline Pridham


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