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  • It's sparked a wave of forced evictions known more commonly around the country as "landgrabbing," kicked off by the city's February 2007 agreement with Shukaku Inc., in which the company paid $79 million for a 99-year lease on the land.

    KI Media Heng Soy 2010

  • The founding of Israel was the last truly spectacular act of arbitrary European imperialist landgrabbing.

    Matthew Yglesias » Goldberg: The Middle East Is Complicated and It’s All the Arabs’ Fault 2010

  • With this latest signed agreement sharingour military forces in such ambiguous and worrisome terms, I am very concerned that it is not as you humorously suggest just a continued landgrabbing expedition forthe U.S.,

    Right Wing Canadian Prime Minister Tied to Leak Slurring Obama 2008

  • For instance, the incidence of landgrabbing and giving of grease money to those in sensitive government positions did not occur overnight.

    Demo-crazy Philippines 2008

  • Once the landgrabbing began at the international level, subterranean warfare was going to be the next big thing.

    Deeper Jeff Long 2007

  • Once the landgrabbing began at the international level, subterranean warfare was going to be the next big thing.

    Deeper Jeff Long 2007

  • Israel is protecting nothing more than its aggressive, illegal landgrabbing and right to oppress Palestinians.

    The Guardian World News 2010

  • Israel is protecting nothing more than its aggressive, illegal landgrabbing and right to oppress Palestinians.

    The Guardian World News 2010

  • Ex-Supreme Court Justice Tiñga hits rivals over landgrabbing raps

    MyWire: MyWire Top Stories 2010

  • (That's a quarter of what's left-over the last 61 years Ni'lin has already lost more than 80 percent of its original area to Israeli landgrabbing.)

    Indybay newswire 2009


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