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  • Gabriel, "said Agricola," and if you did know, dear father, how much virtue and valor is among those whom the highest orders in the priesthood insolently call the inferior clergy, -- the unseen merit and the blind devotedness to be found amongst worthy, but obscure, country curates, who are inhumanly treated and subjugated to a pitiless yoke by the lordly lawnsleeves!

    The Wandering Jew — Complete Eug��ne Sue 1830

  • Gabriel, "said Agricola," and if you did know, dear father, how much virtue and valor is among those whom the highest orders in the priesthood insolently call the inferior clergy, -- the unseen merit and the blind devotedness to be found amongst worthy, but obscure, country curates, who are inhumanly treated and subjugated to a pitiless yoke by the lordly lawnsleeves!

    The Wandering Jew — Volume 02 Eug��ne Sue 1830


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