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  • It was great to catch up with a bunch of people, who I usually see either online or at lca The shirts are pretty cool (and apparently the printing actually breathes properly), and the name badges are fantastic as they've printed a tiny book inside so you have maps, schedules and other useful information at your fingertips.

    what are we doing today, brain? 2010

  • I enjoyed Glyn Moody's talk immensly and really want to try to catch up with during the few remaining days at lca.

    what are we doing today, brain? 2010

  • It was great to catch up with a bunch of people, who I usually see either online or at lca The shirts are pretty cool (and apparently the printing actually breathes properly), and the name badges are fantastic as they've printed a tiny book inside so you have maps, schedules and other useful information at your fingertips.

    LinuxChix aggregator 2010

  • Today at registration it felt pretty chilled out and normal for an lca rego day

    what are we doing today, brain? 2010

  • I've checked out the building and although you'd expect a conference centre to feel a bit sterile, it is an interesting and warm building and I found it a great venue for lca.

    LinuxChix aggregator 2010

  • Today at registration it felt pretty chilled out and normal for an lca rego day

    LinuxChix aggregator 2010

  • Today at registration it felt pretty chilled out and normal for an lca rego day

    LinuxChix aggregator 2010

  • I've checked out the building and although you'd expect a conference centre to feel a bit sterile, it is an interesting and warm building and I found it a great venue for lca.

    LinuxChix aggregator 2010

  • It was great to catch up with a bunch of people, who I usually see either online or at lca The shirts are pretty cool (and apparently the printing actually breathes properly), and the name badges are fantastic as they've printed a tiny book inside so you have maps, schedules and other useful information at your fingertips.

    LinuxChix aggregator 2010

  • I've checked out the building and although you'd expect a conference centre to feel a bit sterile, it is an interesting and warm building and I found it a great venue for lca.

    what are we doing today, brain? 2010

  • At the same time, a recent life cycle analysis (LCA) on cotton jeans revealed that the climate change impact of buying and disposing of a pair of jeans is almost the same as upcycling the jeans into a new pair.

    The Myth of Sustainable Fashion Kenneth P. Pucker 2022


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