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  • I think we need to lightenup culturally about competitive mothering and the idea of a perfectible child. News 2011

  • I think we need to lightenup culturally about competitive mothering and the idea of a perfectible child. News Meghan Casserly 2011

  • I commend Arizona for FINALLY standing up and defending their State, since Washington/liberals won't do it (they don't want to do it). lightenup: Stories 2010

  • I commend Arizona for FINALLY standing up and defending their State, since Washington/liberals won't do it (they don't want to do it). lightenup: Stories 2010

  • Ok looking at the posts above .... this will MOTIVATE a HOUSE CLEANING of lightenup: Stories 2010

  • I commend Arizona for FINALLY standing up and defending their State, since Washington/liberals won't do it (they don't want to do it). lightenup: Stories 2010

  • He was getting his butt kicked because of his foolish lawsuit against AZ, so the dimwit democrats came up with a bill last week so they don't look so bad. lightenup:

    Naples Daily News Stories 2010

  • Don't let facts get in the way of a good lie that reinforces your prejudice, son. lightenup, he can afford to do that now thanks to all that threw money at him earlier in his career.

    Statesman - AP Sports 2009

  • If you are in awe of the wit and skill of those who appear regularly on the Spectator’s weekly competition pages, and are looking for an antidote to doom and gloom, do visit www., a new quarterly online magazine showcasing the best of contemporary light verse.

    Gordon Brown, Charlie Whelan and Me 2008

  • If you are in awe of the wit and skill of those who appear regularly on the Spectator’s weekly competition pages, and are looking for an antidote to doom and gloom, do visit www., a new quarterly online magazine showcasing the best of contemporary light verse.

    This be the verse 2008


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