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  • • Limetree Cottage (+44 (0)1688 400256, costs from £405-£615 to rent for a weekTom Hall, Lonely Planet It was a bit of a surprise to find that fly-and-flop holidays are still possible with baby in tow.

    Summer holidays: 10 best places for under-fives 2011

  • To supply themselves with fish they make nets of the bark of the limetree; but the large fish they shoot with arrows.

    History of Louisisana Or of the Western Parts of Virginia and Carolina: Containing -1775 Le Page du Pratz

  • Vivey road; but, when they had got as far as the great limetree, standing at the entrance to the forest, Julien touched Claudet lightly on the shoulder.

    The French Immortals Series — Complete Various

  • It seemed strange that the hum of the bees and flies and the gentle swishing of the limetree should still go on outside, insisting that there was a world moving and breathing apart from her, and careless of her misery.

    Complete Project Gutenberg John Galsworthy Works John Galsworthy 1900

  • It seemed strange that the hum of the bees and flies and the gentle swishing of the limetree should still go on outside, insisting that there was a world moving and breathing apart from her, and careless of her misery.

    The Patrician John Galsworthy 1900

  • Nancy Lord stood at the front-room window, a hand grasping each side of her waist, her look vaguely directed upon the limetree opposite and the house which it in part concealed.

    In the Year of Jubilee George Gissing 1880

  • As soon as they had drunk their coffee, they turned back on the Vivey road; but, when they had got as far as the great limetree, standing at the entrance to the forest, Julien touched Claudet lightly on the shoulder.

    A Woodland Queen — Complete Andr�� Theuriet 1870

  • He went up to his coachman, who was dozing on the box in the shadow, already lengthening, of a thick limetree; he admired the shifting clouds of midges circling over the hot horses, and, waking the coachman, he jumped into the carriage, and told him to drive to Bryansky's.

    Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy 1869

  • And as though in this cruel time I were doomed to go through all that should worst wound my poor heart, I must need go forth to see the stricken limetree at that very moment when the Junker had dealt his enemy a deadly stroke and came rushing away with his hair all abroad like a mad man.

    Margery — Complete Georg Ebers 1867

  • By him was lying the uprooted limetree, from which that leaf had fallen, and whereas the rain was dropping from it fast, meseemed it was weeping.

    Margery — Complete Georg Ebers 1867


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