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  • Wherever Gilbert had her gelato epiphany, "we are happy we were cited in the book and especially that she liked our gelato," Pasquale Alongi, one of the brothers, modestly said as lemons were squeezed for San Crispino's "limone" gelato in the "laboratory" on Via Acaia.

    San Crispino Gelato: Elizabeth Gilbert/Julia Robert's Rome Obsession In 'Eat, Pray, Love' 2010

  • A spaghetti al limone was bland and too creamy while a baked Parmesan chicken recipe was delicious.

    Top Chef Challenge: Dinner From a Paltry Pantry Alina Dizik 2011

  • Then suddenly, out of the blue one hot Italian summer, I found myself craving the clean, sharp refreshment that only a sorbetto di limone could provide.

    How to make perfect lemon sorbet 2011

  • Is it possible to resist jalapeno gnocchi or Veal scallopini al limone?

    Jaunted - The Pop Culture Travel Guide 2009

  • The dressing options are limited to oil and vinegar, to which I like to add a large helping of salt and the juice squeezed from un pezzo di limone.

    The Italian Summer Roland Merullo 2009

  • The dressing options are limited to oil and vinegar, to which I like to add a large helping of salt and the juice squeezed from un pezzo di limone.

    The Italian Summer Roland Merullo 2009

  • The dressing options are limited to oil and vinegar, to which I like to add a large helping of salt and the juice squeezed from un pezzo di limone.

    The Italian Summer Roland Merullo 2009

  • The dressing options are limited to oil and vinegar, to which I like to add a large helping of salt and the juice squeezed from un pezzo di limone.

    The Italian Summer Roland Merullo 2009

  • Loads of parma and melone, and I had a variation of tagliatelle con i funghi nearly every night, with a secondi of vitella, marsala, limone, piccata and con i funghi, and a load of tiramisu.

    Home Again, Home Again... 2007

  • You can putter in and out of the knickknack shops of a Main Street that runs steeply toward the river -- it really should be turned into a giant skateboarding park -- and take stock of the Lower Hudson's east side over farfalle al limone ($14) and a glass of Cabernet at Cathryn's Tuscan Grill (845-265-5582; 91 Main Street).



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