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  • But I prefer a different explanation, which is the verb lindern, to relieve, to alleviate, to assuage, to soothe.

    Absolute Friends Le Carre, John, 1931- 2003

  • Quanquam enim conentur epiikeizare [zu lindern und epiiciren] traditiones, tamen nunquam potest aequitas deprehendi [so kann man doch kein epieikeian oder Linderung treffen], donec manet opinio necessitatis, quam manere necesse est, ubi ignorantur justitia fidei et libertas Christiana. which all arose from the false persuasion, that there should be a service in the Church, like to the

    The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches. 1889

  • My new version of my Linden Blossom soliflore is going to be called Tirzah, which is the name of the lindern tree in Hebrew, and also a beautiful women’s name.

    Archive 2006-07-01 Ayala Sender 2006


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