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  • It was cabbage palms covered in strangler fig and gumbo limbo and slash pine inland; it was liveoak and mangrove in the few places the ground was wet.

    Duma Key King, Stephen, 1947- 2008

  • He took his shotgun and went investigating, and what he found was a woman in a cage made of bean poles beneath a liveoak.

    Cold Mountain Frazier, Charles, 1950- Cold Mountain 2003

  • He took his shotgun and went investigating, and what he found was a woman in a cage made of bean poles beneath a liveoak.

    Cold Mountain Frazier, Charles, 1950- Cold Mountain 1997

  • Midway, under the shade of a magnificent liveoak, whose branches were mournful with the funereal moss

    The Continental Monthly, Vol 2, No 6, December 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy Various

  • Upon her return she found the old cowboy sitting dejectedly under a liveoak bush.

    Down the Mother Lode Vivia Hemphill 1911

  • * This is the country of the liveoak and the magnolia, the gray, swinging moss and the yellow jessamine, the chameleon and the mockingbird.

    Pioneers of the Old South: a chronicle of English colonial beginnings Mary Johnston 1903

  • They would come nap on hot mornings in my big liveoak tree next to the house.

    Somervell County Salon 2010


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