
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun The quality of being loamy.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

loamy +‎ -ness


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  • One minute, she iz seducing you with the earthy loaminess of her loins and oaken aroma of her underbrush, ze next she iz indulging you with ze plummy depths of her fruity bosom, ze delectable wantonness of her concupiscence enveloping you with ze fruits from her tree.

    Looking Sideways at Merlot 2007

  • One minute, she iz seducing you with the earthy loaminess of her loins and oaken aroma of her underbrush, ze next she iz indulging you with ze plummy depths of her fruity bosom, ze delectable wantonness of her concupiscence enveloping you with ze fruits from her tree.


  • One minute, she iz seducing you with the earthy loaminess of her loins and oaken aroma of her underbrush, ze next minute, she iz indulging you with ze plummy depths of her fruity bosom, ze delectable wantonness of her concupiscence enveloping you with ze fruits from her tree.

    American Beat: Grape Expectations 2007


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