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  • The logis is irrational, the guy wants to stay in the spotlight so he does something, plant a bug, that requires NOT being in the spotlight.

    Think Progress » Beck condemns O’Keefe’s operation: ‘If they were doing that — that’s Watergate. Insanely stupid and illegal.’ 2010

  • Fancy, la folle du logis, is “that kind and gentle portress who holds the gate of Hope wide open, in opposition to Reason, the surly and scrupulous guard.”

    The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night 2006

  • In that army I shall be employed in the capacity of aide-marechal-general des logis, which is, in our service, a very important and agreeable place; so that I shall serve in the most pleasing manner, and shall be in a situation to know everything and to render services.

    Memoirs Correspondence and Manuscripts of General Lafayette Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de 1837

  • In that army I shall be employed in the capacity of aide-maréchal-général des logis, which is, in our service, a very important and agreeable place; so that I shall serve in the most pleasing manner, and shall be in a situation to know everything and to render services.

    Memoirs, Correspondence and Manuscripts of General Lafayette Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier Lafayette 1795

  • Although Berne had permitted the temporary residence of the deposed count at Oron, and had granted to the countess the revenues of a small piece of land, the refugees soon left the "logis" which they found "_si froid et si mal fourni de vivres_," and repaired to Burgundy and the protection of their powerful de Vergy relatives.

    The Counts of Gruyère Mrs. Reginald de Koven

  • So thence parted and 'rencontrais a' her last 'logis', and in the place did what I

    Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete 1666 N.S. Samuel Pepys 1668

  • So thence parted and 'rencontrais a' her last 'logis', and in the place did what I

    Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete Samuel Pepys 1668

  • 'logis', and in the place did what I 'tenais a mind pour ferais con her'.

    Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 41: January/February 1665-66 Samuel Pepys 1668

  • 'rencontrais a' her last 'logis', and in the place did what I 'tenais a mind pour ferais con her'.

    The Diary of Samuel Pepys, Jan/Feb 1665/66 Pepys, Samuel 1666

  • At the top of the staircase we arrived at an oval vestibule through which I passed into a magnificent, long hall that extended the corps de logis and offered a breathtaking view of the enclosed gardens on the right and at the curved end, of the river itself and the Passerelle de Constantine.

    Hôtel Lambert Young Geoffrion 2009


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