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  • I'am not at all a paleontologist but I teach human anatomy and I'am very astonished by the spinous process of the vertebrae of the Maiacetus : on the skeleton you show us, spinous process of thoracic and lombar vertebral column are in the opposite angle caudal for thoracic and cranial for lombar : is it normal on dinosaurs ? was this on the original fossile ?

    Maiacetus, Part 2 James Gurney 2009

  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Bullet entered here, fragmenting at the neck, and loosing velocity upon penetration of the corroted (ph) artery, tubed down the aortic (ph) continually loosing momentum, as it exited the aorta, it struck the vertible column, and then was swept down to the base of the aorta, where I recovered it here at the lombar (ph) region -- pinball.

    CNN Transcript May 18, 2002 2002


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