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  • Sunday in the fall should be one of communing with fellow miscreants over a longnecked beverage, playing the season long football pool (which, as befits being past champion from last year, I have been elevated to the status of something like a mythical wizard) and working off aggression by screaming maniacally at images from a television screen.

    outfoxed Diary Entry outfoxed 2003

  • PJ nodded and lifted his longnecked bottle of beer in a drunken toast.

    Body of Evidence Patricia Cornwell 1991

  • PJ nodded and lifted his longnecked bottle of beer in a drunken toast.

    Body of Evidence Patricia Cornwell 1991

  • For a moment I thought it alive; and so, I think, did Griffin and the rest, who stood there in what was now an open access — but it was machinery silhouetted against the glare of floods, our longnecked dragon nothing but a thing like a piston pulling backward, contracting into itself, so that now we saw the ruined lock, and the flare of lights in smoke or fog beyond that.

    Port Eternity Cherryh, C. J. 1982

  • He was even prepared to accept the hypothesis that there might exist some sort of amphibious creature, nocturnal, on the whole in its habits and looking rather like a longnecked otter, a creature so far unknown to zoologists.

    My Bones Will Keep Mitchell, Gladys, 1901-1983 1977


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