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  • One evening we slept by the side of a swamp, just to watch the flowering of the lotuslike blossoms.

    One River Wade Davis 1996

  • One evening we slept by the side of a swamp, just to watch the flowering of the lotuslike blossoms.

    One River Wade Davis 1996

  • He took a seat while September sat, lotuslike, opposite him.

    The End of the Matter Foster, Alan Dean, 1946- 1977

  • He took a seat while September sat, lotuslike, opposite him.

    The End of the Matter Foster, Alan Dean, 1946- 1977

  • He took a seat while September sat, lotuslike, opposite him.

    The End of the Matter Foster, Alan Dean, 1946- 1977

  • He took a seat while September sat, lotuslike, opposite him.

    The End Of The Matter Foster, Alan Dean, 1946- 1977

  • He took a seat while September sat, lotuslike, opposite him.

    The End of The Matter Foster, Alan Dean, 1946- 1977

  • After a short time, a lotuslike dreaminess stole over me, and past and future seemed to blend in a supreme present of contentment and rest.

    Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall Charles Major 1884

  • She tested several different models, but each one was stopped by the lotuslike folds of tissue that make up the cervix.

    Chicago Reader 2010


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