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  • An out an 'out daisy. An' if there's a-goin 'to be any love-makin' going on around, I'll do it.

    Mr. Trunnell, Mate of the Ship "Pirate"

  • "An auto isn't the best place in the world for love-makin '," giggled Miss Crilly.

    Polly and the Princess Emma C. Dowd

  • "They hain't nobody a-goin 'to butt in on our love-makin' up hyar."

    Heart of the Blue Ridge Waldron Baily

  • She doesn't like all the love-makin 'to be over in the courtin' days, as if it was only a bit of fishin 'to ketch her. Tho' of course I'd tell him to leave me alone, that I couldn't bear him maulin 'me; but women has to be that way, it bein' rared into them to pretend they don't like what they do.

    Some Everyday Folk and Dawn Miles Franklin 1916

  • Bein 'no hand to do love-makin' stylish, I just passes her a couple of bouquets onct or twict and said a few words.

    Sundown Slim Henry Herbert Knibbs 1909

  • "Did I stampede the love-makin '?" sneered Fadeaway.

    Sundown Slim Henry Herbert Knibbs 1909

  • "An 'he wasn't over -- particular aboot details of your love-makin'."

    To the Last Man Zane Grey 1905

  • If you manage your men as you manage your love-makin ', small wondher they call you the worst corp'ril in the comp'ny.

    Life's Handicap Rudyard Kipling 1900

  • If you manage your men as you manage your love-makin ', small wondher they call you the worst corp'ril in the comp'ny.

    Indian Tales Rudyard Kipling 1900

  • "Not let it be seen so plain -- the love-makin '."

    Dawn 1894


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