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  • Nigel this is Ted, we 've got work to do here and you can get all this on recap I'd advise you drop off the net and come back when you Sounds to me like he's pissed his Rule didn't work out No, that's not it at all, I merely meant Well hell Walmsley first place we try it your theory 'isn't worth a fart that moon's never had any life on it lookit those surveys no bioproducts on the surface no atmosphere just lots of ice and rock that's been pounded for billions of years So that Watcher's not waiting for life there hell the thing probably ran out of gas explorin' this system an 'went dead looks like a kinda crude lowvelocity ship burning its own rock for reaction mass Yeah a ham-fisted piece of tech you ask me Take forever to get to the next star Well if you've got sodding forever -

    Across The Sea Of Suns Benford, Gregory, 1941- 1984


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