
from The Century Dictionary.

  • Affected by or manifesting madness or lunacy; lunatic.


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  • I gazed at the lunatical vacuity in his eyes and was convinced that whatever motives drove him, that whatever thoughts he actually had, that whatever his real life experience was, none of it would ever be known by anyone except God.

    The Glass Rainbow James Lee Burke 2010

  • I gazed at the lunatical vacuity in his eyes and was convinced that whatever motives drove him, that whatever thoughts he actually had, that whatever his real life experience was, none of it would ever be known by anyone except God.

    The Glass Rainbow James Lee Burke 2010

  • I gazed at the lunatical vacuity in his eyes and was convinced that whatever motives drove him, that whatever thoughts he actually had, that whatever his real life experience was, none of it would ever be known by anyone except God.

    The Glass Rainbow James Lee Burke 2010

  • I gazed at the lunatical vacuity in his eyes and was convinced that whatever motives drove him, that whatever thoughts he actually had, that whatever his real life experience was, none of it would ever be known by anyone except God.

    The Glass Rainbow James Lee Burke 2010

  • The Beau lunatical as usual on little sleep in the Lesser Pac Nor'West.

    Overratedly, adverbly, annoyingly, Ms Robinson 2008

  • Now, what in the world has that lunatical Hicks done?

    T. Haviland Hicks Senior J. Raymond Elderdice

  • His conduct might have seemed completely lunatical to an Englishman.

    The Young Seigneur Or, Nation-Making Wilfrid Ch��teauclair

  • T.e spectacle Butch Brewster beheld was indeed one to paralyze that pachydermic collegian, T. Haviland Hicks, Jr., the sunny-souled, irrepressible Senior, danced madly about on the tiger-skin rug in midfloor, evidently laboring under the delusion that he was a lunatical Hottentot at

    T. Haviland Hicks Senior J. Raymond Elderdice

  • Let what I have said in it of myself pass unquestioned and unnoticed, because it is of me and not of you, ... and, if in any wise lunatical, all the talking and writing in the world will not put the implied moon into another quarter.

    The Letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Barrett Browning, Robert, 1812-1889 1898

  • By afternoon we were a mere shipful of lunatical persons, throwing of things overboard, howling of different songs at the same time, quarrelling and falling together, and then forgetting our quarrels to embrace.

    The Master’s Wanderings 1889


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