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  • Origine mensis t quod nomen mensia a iuveaibut originero habet: qui boueradeo me quetjtte, luven - tuttt Deam, tangit.

    P. Ovidii Nasonis Fastorum libri VI. Ovid, Publius Ovidius Naso, Gottlieb Erdmann Gierig 1812

  • Hey ladies, luven u guys- i have 2 older sisters and u remind me soo much of us ; ) well anyways i am an upcoming artist out of mia, n i have a really big photoshoot coming up, kinda like my coming out party 4 my music ; ) and i was just tring 2 see if i could do some online shopping frm DASH- i have 2 give u guys props!

    Kim Kardashian's Fashion Boutique 2008


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