macrobiotically love



from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adverb In a macrobiotic way.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

macrobiotic +‎ -ally


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  • She ate macrobiotically, swam regularly, and played poker fiercely, maintained a loving relationship with her daughters, with whom she shared a vacation home, and entertained her countless and loving friends (her “extended family”) with her great good humor and her love of song.

    Bella Abzug. 2009

  • In their place: clean, delicious, macrobiotically prepared whole rice dishes, ladled by a sweet-natured vegan named Christopher.

    Red States, Heed My Warning!: Scott Jacobson Jacobson, Scott 2008

  • He goes to various ways of doing it macrobiotically and he doesn't get an operation, Isaacson said in the interview.

    Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion 2011

  • He goes to various ways of doing it macrobiotically and he doesn't get an operation, Isaacson said in the interview.

    Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion 2011

  • He goes to various ways of doing it macrobiotically and he doesn't get an operation, Isaacson said in the interview.

    Reuters: Top News 2011

  • He goes to various ways of doing it macrobiotically and he doesn't get an operation, Isaacson said in the interview.

    Reuters: Top News 2011

  • He goes to various ways of doing it macrobiotically and he doesn't get an operation, Isaacson said in the interview.

    Reuters: Press Release 2011


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