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  • Enjeu politique majeur que celui de dire stop à la domination et la main mise de la monarchie sur le système politique.

    Global Voices in English » Moroccan Elections: The King’s Party Triumphs 2009

  • People are confounded idiots and most especially so when their precious, oh-so-delicate little feelings get hurt, or their sense of “self worth” or “identity” or whatever is perceived to be under threat from some evil, menacing external Force de majeur.

    The Three Little Pigs Is Too Racist « Unambiguously Ambidextrous 2008

  • Malez a South African force majeur who recently gave up her lucrative life in banking to try her hand at film-making, Kwame, a Ghanaian accessories editor at a major publication with his eye on Ms. Wintour's seat, and me a Kenyan-Filipina lawyer with dreams of a literary career.

    Rosalia Gitau: T.I.A.: This Is Africa Rosalia Gitau 2010

  • Author is then forced to hobble neat thing lest it generate a "rocks fall, everyone dies" or force majeur instant ending.

    How Many Magicians? marycatelli 2010

  • He reinforces the myth that the EU deployment was halted by force majeur, stating that the recent two-day assault by rebel fighters in armed pickup trucks had the hallmarks of a pre-emptive move against the European mission.

    Another failure unrecorded Richard 2008

  • Sous réserve de disponibilité des produits ou d'incident majeur indépendant de notre volonté, votre commande va être traitée et expédiée via Collissimo France.

    pinku-tk Diary Entry pinku-tk 2008

  • Mines were guaranteed power by Eskom, failing which they could invoke a "force majeur" (SUBS: CORRECT) clause in their contracts.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 2008

  • Training the next generation -- le defi majeur. (chemacal science) (Chemical Institute of Canada) (Column): An article from: Canadian Chemical News by Christian Detellier

    Return to Hand Counted Paper Ballots? Yes, Faster than Ever, Please! 2008

  • Oil futures investors bid up the price of oil yet more on Tuesday in the wake of the news of Royal Dutch Shell's declaration of "force majeur" in the highly volatile and troubled nation of Nigeria, which is the world's eighth largest national producer of oil.

    Oil Prices Likely to Continue Soaring to New Highs for the Time Being 2008

  • Cela aura un effet majeur sur l'équilibre des forces au pays qui se maintient toujours dans le triangle Toronto-Ottawa-Montréal.

    The revenge of the Newfies? Ed Hollett 2007


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