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  • "My Republican man- and woman-on-the-street experience tells me that people are intrigued and taking a look at Perry, but they feel they are comfortable with Mitt Romney, that he feels like a Midwest guy, a bit more of a known quantity," said Doug Preisse , an Ohio Republican strategist not affiliated with any presidential campaign.

    GOP Looks for a Winner in Midwest Swing States Joseph B. White 2011

  • The third, a van also bearing the name of the camp, consisted mostly of man- and firepower.

    A Bob Lee Swagger eBook Boxed Set Stephen Hunter 2009

  • The third, a van also bearing the name of the camp, consisted mostly of man- and firepower.

    A Bob Lee Swagger eBook Boxed Set Stephen Hunter 2009

  • The third, a van also bearing the name of the camp, consisted mostly of man- and firepower.

    A Bob Lee Swagger eBook Boxed Set Stephen Hunter 2009

  • So send some dead fish to the gang leaders- be a man- instead of news reporters. - News 2011

  • We vote just like everyone else - for the BEST man- RIGHT… at a 97% rate for Obama in 2008… And they currently support him at a rate of over 75% despite the fact that BLACK unemployment is 16% and unemployment among young adult 25 and down African Americans is over 40%..

    ABC News: Top Stories 2011

  • The consensus winner - and we hope there is a consensus - should keep the board focused on policy issues and make sure it doesn't interfere with Green's work of man- aging the schools. Front Page 2011

  • I am a poor, working class man- with a bad leg and a bad back and a lifetime of hard work still ahead of me.

    Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion 2011

  • The dress sense of one man- David Cameron cannot be used to comment on the apparent neglect of menswear.

    Evening Standard - Home Richard Godwin 2011

  • The consensus winner - and we hope there is a consensus - should keep the board focused on policy issues and make sure it doesn't interfere with Green's work of man- aging the schools. Front Page 2011


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