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  • There would be a smaller increase for general dental practice and a greater increase for specialist services such as maxillo-facial and oral surgery, the BHF said.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 2006

  • If any of this bunch of half-baked scrotums take this act on the road I foresee a series of urgent referrals to maxillo-facial units nationwide.

    Lady Killers juliette 2009

  • DP Gauteng health spokesman, Jack Bloom, said the shoddy planning of equipment transfers from Hillbrow had resulted in a two-and-a-half month delay in relocating the hospital's maxillo-facial unit at Helen Joseph Hospital.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1998

  • The maxillo-turbinals, or twisted bony laminae within the nasal aperture, which are to be found in most mammals, are but rudimentary in the elephant -- the elongated proboscis, according to

    Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon Robert Armitage Sterndale 1870

  • The skull differs in shape, and greatly in the angle formed by the union of the premaxillary, nasal, and maxillo-jugal bones.

    The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I. Charles Darwin 1845

  • The great difference (see woodcut No. 27) in the curvature of the lower jaw in the rock-pigeon, the tumbler, and Bagadotten carrier, stands in obvious relation to the curvature of the upper jaw, and more especially to the angle formed by the maxillo-jugal arch with the premaxillary bones.

    The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I. Charles Darwin 1845

  • In the short-faced tumbler the skull is more globular; all the bones of the face are much shortened, and the front of the skull and descending nasal bones are almost perpendicular; the maxillo-jugal arch and premaxillary bones form an almost straight line; the space between the prominent edges of the eye-orbits is depressed.

    The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I. Charles Darwin 1845

  • A plastic surgeon and a maxillo-facial surgeon have also been roped in.

    The Times of India 2010

  • A third team of highly skilled trauma medical specialists including orthopaedic, trauma and maxillo facial surgeons, anaesthetists and advanced life support paramedics are next in line to depart.

    Muti 2010

  • Impediment (s): Use of liquid synthetic has adverse reaction on performance of android's other maxillo-facial devices.

    The Jawa Report 2009


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