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  • I love myself a good medianoche, like the one I had at Milk, but this one was really exceptional.

    Porto's Bakery and Cafe, Glendale 2009

  • He returned to Hollywood to direct and perform in Touch of Evil (1958), then went back to Europe for Le Procès (1962; The Trial) and Campanadas a medianoche (1966; Chimes at Midnight).

    Five People Born on May 6 | myFiveBest 2010

  • I love myself a good medianoche, like the one I had at Milk, but this one was really exceptional.

    Archive 2009-03-01 2009

  • Click Here for the full article « 365÷52 Day 39: escape de medianoche de la operación 5/52 Weeks of the …

    View images tagged “Yeah, pretty much” 2009

  • My personal favorite sandwhich of their's is the medianoche con croquettes, so good.

    Porto's Unitas We Stand 2007

  • The fuel it craves most often is a medianoche sandwich, usually with a side of fried plátanos and a mamey milk shake.

    Dexter in the dark Lindsay, Jeff 2007

  • I sat in the car and listened to the radio and tried to picture, bite by bite, what it was like to eat a medianoche sandwich: the crackle of the bread crust, so crisp and toasty it scratches the inside of your mouth as you bite down.

    DearlyDevotedDexter 2005

  • And to prove it, she ordered a medianoche sandwich, the best in Miami, and a batido de mamey, a milk shake made from a unique tropical fruit that tastes something like a combination of peach and watermelon.

    DearlyDevotedDexter 2005

  • Perhaps that seems like a small thing, but I assure you there are times when only a medianoche will do, and at such times Café Relampago was the only place to get one.

    DarklyDreamingDexter 2004

  • When he's done, he might take the whole gang next door for a cup of Cuban coffee and a medianoche sandwich.

    DarklyDreamingDexter 2004


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