
from The Century Dictionary.

  • In a medieval manner; in accord with the spirit or method of the middle ages.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adverb In a medieval way.


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  • Nothing really "medievally" about it now except for the visual tribute to the sword stuck in a stone.

    Wifely Steps 2009

  • Pretty medievally hilarious … should definitely go see it when it comes in about … 6 months

    Early Buzz: Your Highness | /Film 2010

  • Seeing Gargamel looking so medievally authentic just reminds me that its going to bother the hell out of me that they made this a modern day retelling of the Smurfs instead of having it be in medieval times.

    Vergara and Azaria on Set of The Smurfs | The Movie Blog 2010

  • Most unfairly of all, she even projects the same attitudes onto Rinri himself, such as in this medievally sparse exchange:

    Néojaponisme » Blog Archive » A bout d’okonomiyaki 2009

  • And my colleague Marion, dressed medievally as well, who helped to draw people in and explain all day long.

    Busy Sunday, Lazy Monday a stitch in time 2009

  • Still here are more pics of us looking all medievally and stuff!

    Snell-Pym » Beltane Fun and a Little Sun! 2009

  • Which is a pity - because if lots of people were as keen on medievally tailored, hand-sewn garments from cloth dyed with natural colours, both my trusted dyer and me would have a better chance of getting rich one day!

    Who dumps this paperwork on my desk? a stitch in time 2009

  • And my colleague Marion, dressed medievally as well, who helped to draw people in and explain all day long.

    Archive 2009-07-01 a stitch in time 2009

  • Which is a pity - because if lots of people were as keen on medievally tailored, hand-sewn garments from cloth dyed with natural colours, both my trusted dyer and me would have a better chance of getting rich one day!

    Archive 2009-04-01 a stitch in time 2009

  • It was entertaining, but medievally fantasy is my least favorite kind.

    PodCastle » PC002: For Fear of Dragons 2008


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