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  • My mesmeriser had become a regular religious maniac.

    A Desperate Character 2006

  • I walked forward, and got a close look at him as I began to make a half-bow — a tubby little Chink, with long dark hair framing a round, amiable face, a short sandy beard, and great dark eyes that shone in his pasty face like a hypnotist's, but with none of the force of your professional mesmeriser.

    Flashman and the Dragon Fraser, George MacDonald, 1925- 1985

  • I walked forward, and got a close look at him as I began to make a half-bow - a tubby little Chink, with long dark hair framing a round, amiable face, a short sandy beard, and great dark eyes that shone in his pasty face like a hypnotist's, but with none of the force of your professional mesmeriser.

    Flashman And The Dragon Fraser, George MacDonald, 1925- 1985

  • The Egyptian method of inducing clairvoyance in boys, by causing them to gaze on a pool of ink in the palm of the hand, has already been identified with the practice of Dr. Dee, whose blank spherical mirror is now said to be in the possession and use of a distinguished modern mesmeriser.

    The International Monthly Magazine - Volume V - No II Various

  • And now the patient -- beginning to wake in trance, hearing and answering the questions of the operator, moving each limb, or rising even, as the operator's hand is raised to draw him into obedient following -- enters into a new relation with his mesmeriser.

    Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, No. 382, October 1847 Various

  • Nor, supposing it true that a mesmerised patient can respond to the will or passes of a mesmeriser a hundred miles distant, is the response less occasioned by a material being; it may be through a material fluid—call it Electric, call it Odic, call it what you will—which has the power of traversing space and passing obstacles, that the material effect is communicated from one to the other.

    The Haunted and the Haunters: Or the House and the Brain 1921

  • And you would infer from this that a mesmeriser might produce the extraordinary effects you and others have witnessed over inanimate objects—fill the air with sights and sounds?

    The Haunted and the Haunters: Or the House and the Brain 1921

  • I half suspect he is a renegade, immensely rich, very odd; by the by, a great mesmeriser.

    The Haunted and the Haunters: Or the House and the Brain 1921

  • Being a sufferer from insomnia, I had caused a secret sleeping chamber to be built of stone beneath the foundation, and when even the silence of this retreat failed to bring slumber, I sometimes called in a professional mesmeriser to put me into a hypnotic sleep, from which Sawyer knew how to arouse me at a given time.

    The World's Greatest Books — Volume 14 — Philosophy and Economics Various 1910

  • He came, crouching and open-mouthed, as the mesmerised may follow the mesmeriser; all human considerations, and even the care of his own life, swallowed up in one abominable and burning curiosity.

    The Ebb-Tide Lloyd Osbourne 1907


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