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  • Fifty years ago the peasant did not understand the value of such a "meuble" and parted with it easily -- but now, with railways everywhere and strangers and bric-à-brac people always on the lookout for a really old piece of furniture, they understand quite well that they possess a treasure and exact its full value.

    Chateau and Country Life in France Mary Alsop King Waddington

  • Le Garde-meuble, a periodical devoted to furniture ...

    Archive 2008-10-01 The Nag 2008

  • Le Garde-meuble, ancien et moderne (Furniture repository, ancient and modern), a bimonthly periodical published in Paris, exerted an enormous influence throughout the world by promoting French styles in furniture, fabrics, and interior decoration for a nearly a century, beginning in 1839 during the reign of Louis Philippe and ceasing in the waning years of the Third Republic around 1935.

    Archive 2008-10-01 The Nag 2008

  • Le Garde-meuble, a periodical devoted to furniture design

    Archive 2008-10-01 The Nag 2008

  • Et puis il grimpe partout et mes meuble ne sont pas tres haut donc je prefere etre la quand il sort. bref il est en cage seulement quelques heures par jour donc kan il voit que je suis là il fout le bordel pour sortir!

    pinku-tk Diary Entry pinku-tk 2009

  • Par chance les haricots etaient tombés entre le frigot et un meuble ...

    pinku-tk Diary Entry pinku-tk 2006

  • A dumpy, motherly little body, in decent shawl and the cleanest of possible nightcaps, stood before this toilet, hard at work apparently doing me the kindness of “tidying out” the “meuble.”

    Villette 2003

  • I believe it is just five and thirty years since we were there together, and all I know is, that I did not think then that I should ever see it so well furnished as I have since, and I will maintain that Gertrude is not the least pretty meuble that is there.

    George Selwyn: His Letters and His Life Helen [Editor] Clergue

  • Vous devriez bruler tout ce meuble inutile "; -- but duller books of the same size, of which there were many in those days of patient readers, would have had an equal value for such economical purposes as this, and" The Lives of the Noble Grecians and

    The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 27, January, 1860 Various

  • LIT, _m. _, meuble sur lequel on se couche pour reposer _ou_ pour dormir.

    French Conversation and Composition Harry Vincent Wann


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