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  • In mid-roll, our surroundings shifted and I found myself in a Vale of Scrythax a few feet from my body with no JPC to roll me the rest of the way.

    Crossed J.F. Lewis 2011

  • In mid-roll, our surroundings shifted and I found myself in a Vale of Scrythax a few feet from my body with no JPC to roll me the rest of the way.

    Crossed J.F. Lewis 2011

  • Ad-support can be inside the video e.g. in pre-roll, post-roll, mid-roll, overlay, or accompanying ads e.g. in dynamically loaded roll-outs, banners etc.

    ginger's thoughts » “Commercialising Video” conference in Sydney 2008

  • Ad-support can be inside the video e.g. in pre-roll, post-roll, mid-roll, overlay, or accompanying ads e.g. in dynamically loaded roll-outs, banners etc.

    ginger's thoughts » 2008 » June 2008

  • Tuck away the not-quite-empty roll somewhere in your bathroom, and you've got an insant emergency supply for one or two uses should you happen to run out of your main supply mid-roll.

    heaven or las vegas 2007

  • One factor preventing the bursting of the bubble is a lack certainty around online video formats, e.g. pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll.

    What Will Burst The TV Advertising Bubble? - Publishing 2.0 2007

  • Logan got the farther one in mid-roll and then swung the Kalashnikov toward the remaining one.

    The Year's Best Science Fiction 23rd Annual Collection Dozois, Gardner 2006

  • “My opinion is post-roll 8-second spots will be the industry standard, with some minimally-intrusive, mid-roll advertising as well,” he said.

    New video ad startup: Podaddies 2006

  • The wolf stops in mid-roll, then flips to her feet.

    Dark Dreams Hodgman, Ann 1993

  • He stopped in mid-roll, got to one knee, fired, his first three-round burst catching the last of the original six Russians.

    The Quest Ahern, Jerry 1981


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