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  • This can be a very good time for our country if we all remember our mission: to make life easier, not harder, for middleincome families, to grow the middle class and shrink the underclass, to make the future brighter, not darker, for our young people, to promote opportunity and responsibility.

    Radio Address On Expanding Opportunity ITY National Archives 1995

  • Q Is it possible that he might announce the middleincome tax initiative taking effect sooner than he originally proposed in December?

    Mike Mccurry Press Briefing ITY National Archives 1995

  • This can be a very good time for our country if we all remember our mission: to make life easier, not harder, for middleincome families, to grow the middle class and shrink the underclass, to make the future brighter, not darker, for our young people, to promote opportunity and responsibility.

    Radio Address By The President To The Nation ITY National Archives 1995

  • The report said: "Parenting style, for example rules about bedtimes and factors like parental reading and trips to museums and galleries, contribute up to half of the explained cognitive gap between the lowest and middleincome families."


  • The PwC report said middleincome families will see their disposable income hit hardest because higher mortgage interest payments and petrol costs are expected to kick in next year.

    This is Money | Home 2009

  • These growth forecasts are the result of a growing middleincome consumer base and the continued spread of organised retail in the country. Digital 50 Daily Industry News RSS Feed 2009

  • Universities are also likely to channel some of their increased fee income into bursaries to help disadvantaged students - in effect a levy on middleincome families.

    Home | Mail Online 2009

  • With the Senate moving to debate healthcare reform middleincome families need to ask whether the proposals including those for a public option are capable of delivering on the promise of affordable healthcare.

    Random feeds from 2009

  • "If we truly wanted a diverse student body, we needed to think about our financial aid and make sure we were truly accessible to lower - and middleincome families," she said. | America's Oldest College Newspaper. Founded 1799. 2008

  • In other words, we middleincome homeowners who might get mortgage relief would have to repay all the principal and interest loaned to us, but that does not appear to be the case for those who already benefited from their share of the $750 billion (actually closer to $900 billion).

    Simi Valley Acorn 2008


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