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  • Mines were often in company towns where the mineowner monopolized all the retail outlets as well.

    Archive 2005-12-18 Steve Sailer 2005

  • Mines were often in company towns where the mineowner monopolized all the retail outlets as well.

    Economics question Steve Sailer 2005

  • The "proto" rescue teams were still looking for "any other casualties or survivors," but by mineowner Anglogold's reckoning there was only one person left unaccounted for.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1999

  • NUM spokesman Ben Molapo told Sapa before the march that the workers would demand suspension of management's plan to retrench employees until mineowner Anglo-American disclosed information about the sale of Vaal Reefs shafts numbers one to seven, which was announced earlier this month.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1997

  • Julian Gwillim, spokesman for mineowner Anglovaal, said management's attempts to get the miners to resume work failed, and talks were under way with the National Union of Mineworkers in a bid to end the industrial action.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1996

  • A statement issued by the mineowner Randgold said the names of the miners were being withheld until their families had been notified.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1996

  • Dirk van Eden, spokesman for mineowner Rand Gold, said mining officials orginally thought 12 were unaccounted for after a rock wall in the mine's number two shaft collapsed, but it was later ascertained 17 were missing.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1996

  • Dirk van Eden, spokesman for mineowner Rand Gold, said a team of miners was retrieving ore at 9am when a tremor measuring 2,9 on the Richter scale caused a rock wall bordering the small work space to collapse.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1996

  • Dirk van Eden, spokesman for mineowner Rand Gold, said seismic activity registering 2,9 on the Richter scale triggered a pressure burst in the mine's number two shaft at about 9am on Tuesday.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1996

  • A spokesman for mineowner Anglo American said the recovery brought to two the number of employees killed in the accident.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1995


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