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  • Since linguistics is my hobby,I have also pondered about the pelicularity of the minoan linear sylllabary.

    A new value for Minoan 'd' 2009

  • Using Wikipedia-like syntax, I just enter "{{l dbs itemID}}" into any word entry where dbs is the short code for the database min = minoan, ecyp = eteocypriot, etr = etruscan and itemID is the automatically generated number referring to a particular word entry.

    Archive 2007-09-01 2007

  • Publisher: minoan publishing corp The Purple Claw, 1953, No. 3 May

    OpEdNews - Quicklink: BBC NEWS: Climate chaos: Bush's climate of fear 2006

  • Publisher: minoan publishing corp The Purple Claw, 1953, No. 3 May

    OpEdNews - Quicklink: Media Cover-Up: Leading Journalists Expose Major Cover-ups in Media 2006

  • The Black Sea was a Greek lake for many 1000s of years, why couldn't a few minoan tablets turn up? LINEAR A IN BULGARIA. 2005

  • I say, let's go back to the minoan period for some wonderful women's fashion ideas . . . see the statue above right.

    Life of Brian: Brian David Phillips 2004

  • Spartan vs Ottoman greek hellenic spartans sparthi 300 greek warriors hellenistic empire alexander the great hellas republic byzantine empire byzantio vyzantini vyzantio byzantini komnenos kolokotronis venizelos papandreou karamanlis karaiskakis nikitaras androutsos papaflessas king leonidas zeus achilles plato dyonissus minoan afrodite kypros einai elliniki ellhniki gamw tin tourkia tourk tourks turks turk tourkous tourkoi kolotourkoi moggoloi mongol mongols mongolturks mongolians mongolian ottoman othomanoi ottoman empire ottomans pashas sultanes - Articles related to Turkish PM visits troubled Greece, backs arms cuts 2010

  • © 2000 by the Archaeological Institute of America www. html

    Revealing Minoan Fashion 2000

  • © 1998 by the Archaeological Institute of America www. html

    Cretan Minoan Finds 1998

  • "zone_info": "huffpost. living/blog; living = 1; nickname = alex-pattakos; entry_id = 256731; alex-pattakos = 1; crete = 1; feminine = 1; gloria-steinem = 1; greece = 1; greek-culture = 1; greek-mythology = 1; labyrinth = 1; minoan = 1; theseus = 1",

    Alex Pattakos: The Lost Feminine 2009


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